Permaculture 2-day Playshop – June 27-28

Learn to read the landscape using simple hand-held optical surveying tools, contour maps and walking the land to feel slopes and “keypoints” with your own body. Fundamentals of “keyline pattern design” will be presented as well as discussion about rehydrating landscapes and extending water holding capability of seasonal ponds.


Depending on class interest and available time, we will use simple hand-held tools to layout a woodland trail and stake several contour lines. Learn about swales as “tree growing systems”.

Learn how to measure and stake a level pad on which later can be built a garden hoophouse or small cabin or work shed. We will develop observation skills that will allow us to make intuitive observations and intelligent landscaping and property development decisions.

Learn how to read your property – be it 200 acres of roving woodlands and fields or just an apartment balcony. Make smart design decisions in harmony with your needs, dreams and environment. Where there is water, there is life.

About the Presenter

John-eriK is a Permaculture educator and advocate. He has graduated from four PDCs, has attended Permaculture Convergences, work parties and advanced skills courses.

He has designed and built spiral garden, swales with pond & orchard, rocket mass stoves, solar charging station and various other alternative building projects. (Still looking for a place to build an aquaponics system.)

He is a natural teacher, blending metaphore and details together and presenting in an easy to follow way. Former work as a tai chi and massage practitioner inform his style of teaching, as “getting it” in the body can be a deep way of learning.