Oneonta: Peacefully occupied

Every Saturday, Muller Plaza in Oneonta is home to a small group of protestors allied with the Occupy Wall Street movement. This short film by Jessica Vecchione, taken on Saturday, November 19, features the Occupy Otsego protesters strumming guitars, talking about why they're demonstrating, and chanting "How About Democracy For Christmas?"

Elsewhere in the nation, some Occupy Wall Street protests have generated dramatic video footage of police pepper-spraying screaming students and throwing flash grenades at wounded protesters. Not so in Oneonta; the Occupy Otsego protests have been calm, even festive.

Early on in the video, an Oneonta police officer expresses support for the Muller Park protestors, telling the camera, "I think what it's all about -- just getting information out. That's quite all right."

Curious about how the Occupiers operate? The Occupy Otsego group has its own website, where they have been posting minutes from their regular meetings.

Whoops -- we misspelled "Muller" in an earlier draft. Typo corrected! --Ed. 11.22.2011
