This Sunday, Decenber 27th, at The Open Eye's 2:00 pm matinee performance of "A Child's Christmas in Wales," open captioning will make the production accessible to persons with hearing impairment. The vivid and often humorous poetic imagery of Dylan Thomas'  memories of holiday seasons of his childhood in the 1920's may remind us - ever so slightly - of course, of our own childhood Christmases.  With open captioning, the words spoken by the actors are visible on a screen near the stage.

The ensemble of five adults and five young actors play a variety of roles in Thomas' story of Arctic-like snow and fire engines, cats and hippos, elderberry wine and marzipan, groaning uncles and singing aunts.  There are traditional carols and Welsh cookies and more.  Fun for audiences of all ages.

"A Child's Christmas in Wales" performs at 2:00 pm, Sunday, December 27, at The Open Eye Theater, 960 Main Street, Margaretville, NY.  The show is family-friendly, and the theater is fully accessible.  There are handicapped parking spaces in front, near the ramp, and plenty of additional parking in the Village Park behind the theater.  Admission is $10, children and youth accompanied by an adult attend free of charge.  For further informaiton and reservations, call 845-586-1660 or email [email protected].