"Lake Effect" snow's a-coming

Snow accumulation in Davenport, Delaware County. Photo by Mike Wilkie.

Yup, it's snowing. And it will keep snowing today and tomorrow throughout the northern counties of the Catskills, according to multiple warnings and forecasts from the National Weather Service. The NWS's Albany office is advising that "lake effect" snow will be falling today across Schoharie County, the eastern Catskills, and the Hudson Valley. One to three inches of snow are expected in northern Delaware County, on the higher elevations of Greene County, and generally anywhere you'd expect it to be this time of year.

This is on top of the snow that already fell yesterday. Mike Wilkie, in Davenport, recorded yesterday's snowfall, which he reports was about 12 inches by this morning. (The photo above was taken yesterday, when just five inches were on the ground.)

Got snow? Got photos? Send the to us at [email protected], or post them to our Flickr group.
