PLEASE Sign the Consitutio​n Pipeline Petition! and PassON--

By GMRCS, Tue, 10/16/2012 - 2:12 pm

Petition against the Constitution Pipeline. 121 miles long. They have 500 Signatures. The People from the Towns that will be impacted by the Pipeline need to sign.

Delaware, Chenango, Broome Counties.

All other signatures become irrelevant if they ever check. (so signatures from Cooperstown won’t matter) They need to be directly involved with the route of the pipeline. Then this petition can be presented at the FERC PUBLIC HEARING and will carryWEIGHT.

They have 500 Signatures already--

FERC hearing on the Constitution Pipeline
October 24, 2012 7-10pm
Foothills Amphitheater
24 Market St
Oneonta, NY 13820-2684
(607) 431-2080

More info can be found at-
