Got Woods?

The Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Forest Owners (MFO) in the Catskill Region are organizing Woods Forums in the Delaware County area.  These events are designed for woodland owners to learn from other woodland owners about how they can be better engaged with their woodlands.

Two Woods Forums are scheduled for the Catskills Region. Landowners should attend the Woods Forum in their community, but if necessary, they may attend the alternative:  

  • Saturday, August 25th from 10 a.m. to noon with lunch and optional activity at Hobart Village Hall

  • Friday, September 7 from  6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Catskill Center for Conservation, Arkville

A short introduction of private forest land use in New York State will compare and contrast different goals of woodland ownership.  In addition, the workshop shares case studies of landowner experiences with management planning, timber harvests, Forest Tax Law 480-A and forest legacy/estate planning. There will also be the chance for discussions of meeting ownership goals such as the stewardship of wildlife and plant communities; recreational objectives; and figuring out how to pay taxes and pass the land on to the next generation.  There will also be ample time to network with other landowners and professionals, such as Watershed-qualified foresters, loggers, land trust and conservation easement representatives, as well as agency personnel.  This forum is designed to be a peer-to-peer exchange of resources, with forest professionals on-hand to provide answers to technical questions. Woods Forums are hosted by CCE of Columbia-Greene Counties and sponsored by the Watershed Agricultural Council with funding from New York City Department of Environmental Protection.

All woodland owners are welcome to attend. This is a special opportunity to meet the Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Forest Owners (MFOs). These volunteers conduct a free one-on-one Woods Walk with any interested landowner.  MFOs have established relationships with many woods-related professionals and are willing to share their experiences.  Many woodland owners have benefited from MFO advice, encouragement and resources needed to become more actively engaged with their woodlands. Call or email Ron Frisbee to schedule a MFO visit.

Directions will be provided when you register. Please RSVP by August 20 by calling (518) 622-9820 X 0 or email Ron Frisbee at [email protected].  Participants in the Woods Forums or the MFO Program will be invited to a celebration event on October 6th at the 4H Camp Shankitunk in Delhi.

Find out if you “Got Woods?”!