Sullivan County plumber wins $5 million

Above: Video news clip from the Times Herald-Record of Andrew Porter's $5 million lottery win on Wednesday, June 27.

On Wednesday, 50-year-old Andrew Porter, a plumber and father of seven from Loch Sheldrake, got a very large check from the New York Lottery: $5 million.

That makes him the county's seventh lottery player to win $1 million or more, according to a press release from the New York Lottery:

Sullivan County is home to seven New York Lottery millionaires, including Andrew Porter of Loch Sheldrake who today received an over-sized copy of his $5,000,000 prize check at the store where he purchased his lucky Mega Money Multiplier scratch-off ticket.

"I was stunned. I couldn't think," said the 50 year-old Porter. "I thought it was a fake at first and then I scanned it again. I started jumping up and down when I realized how big a prize it was, and then I ran straight home."

After taxes, the Times Herald-Record reports, Porter will get a lump sum payment of $3.3 million.

Porter -- who has had a couple of weeks to get used to the idea of being a millionaire -- is being remarkably laid-back about his big win. From the Mid-Hudson News:

Porter, 50, a plumber, said he plans to “take it easy” for a while and take at least some of his seven children to Disney World.  After that, life as normal will resume.

“I’m going to do what I do every day, just get up and just, same thing, nothing’s changed,” he said.

As of the 2010 U.S. Census, 22.7 percent of the people in the town of Fallsburg, where Loch Sheldrake is located, were living under the poverty line. Median household income in Fallsburg was $43,009 a year.
