How to help: Catskills Flood Relief

Got an idea for how to help with Catskills flood relief? Post it in the comments section here or email us at [email protected]. We need to begin organizing to help our communities across the Catskills recover.

1) Start organizing a Catskills Flooding Relief fund. Maybe a nonprofit?

2) Find out who needs supplies and where, and post that info here. We need volunteers to start compiling information about how to help with cleanup -- we'll compile that info here as we get it if you email [email protected].

3) Call your neighbors, especially the elderly ones. Make sure they're ok.

4) If you you have a place for a flood refugee to stay for a few days, post it here and email us at [email protected]. We'll compile a post of shelter offerings.

5) Stay off the roads unless you really have to get out. It's still dangerous out there.

6) Help us start a flooding resource Facebook group for each affected town. Each town page would need a moderator -- and we can't man them all. Who wants to volunteer?

7) Send your documentation of flood damage to Liz Higgins, who is compiling reports for FEMA.

Any other ideas?